

Zona destinada para visionar las actividades que realizan los niños.

Sensory Skills Activities – 2024 Weeks 9&10

Andalucia’s day. We know our community!!! We are artists. Frida Kahlo Project. Sensory provocation inspired by Piet Mondrian. Vertical and horizontal lines and the contrast of black and white with primary colors. Artistic creation with fabrics. The different colors, textures, sizes and weights transmit great information on a sensory level.

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Sensory Skills Activities – 2024 Weeks 7&8

Happy day of love and friendship Light and Color. Observe how light changes colors, and how the world like looking through stained glass of different colors. Theater session, songs and games. Our thanks to the students of the E.I. degree. from the Salvador Távora Institute.

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Sensory Skills Activities – 2024 Weeks 5&6

Happy day of peace!. We share, help, collaborate, … in activities with colleagues Morning of stories. The second year students of the Early Childhood Education class of the Salvador Távora Institute visit us to tell stories and carry out activities. Art project: Las Meninas Boys and girls experience new textures, colors and develop their creativity.…

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Sensory Skills Activities – 2024 Weeks 3&4

Quarterly project: «Art gallery» We know some artists and their works. «Atmospheric phenomena». Sensory provocation: invitation, suggestion, to spark interest in exploring, using materials and playing. “When a child feels secure in himself, he stops seeking approval from adults at every step.” (Maria Montessori)

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Sensory Skills Activities – 2023 Week 47 y 48

Experiment textures. An excellent work tool for sensory stimulation. Draw outdoors Art, in its different forms of expression, helps the development of learning. Any place offers opportunities for new learning. The red color party! The color red transmits love, intensity, energy and a lot of joy to us.

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Sensory Skills Activities – 2023 Summer

«Learning Zone: The Market» We continue exploring the environment that surrounds them, internalizing the knowledge worked on: different textures, smells, sizes, colors, professions, types of food,… «The corner of nature» A space for observation, experimentation, manipulation and development of values ​​by nature. Fruits or vegetables? What color? The largest? The smallest?… Activities to: observe, order,…

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Sensory Skills Activities – 2023 Week 19

Playing to be a musician. A musical instrument appropriate to their stage provides fun and contributes to their physical, cognitive and emotional development. We started a new project: «The professions». Through play, we bring children closer to the knowledge of the different professions, prioritizing the closest and known by them.

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Sensory Skills Activities – 2023 Week 10

The play with fabrics offers warmth to babies stimulate the senses of touch and sight, improve their creative expression and hand-eye coordination. Sensory path. To develop the sense of touch with the feet! All a sensory aid that entertains, teaches and sharpens the senses.

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Sensory Skills Activities – 2023 Week 6

The natural world is an environment rich in learning possibilities and helps develop children’s observation and curiosity. Initiation to the symbolic game. Role plays and the situations of the world around you have many benefits in the development of language, imagination and empathy.

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Sensory Skills Activities – 2023 Week 1 & 2

The teaching that leaves a mark is not the one that is done from head to head, but from heart to heart (Howard Hendricks) Surprised, excited, happy… The Three Wise Men have left gifts in our classrooms Experiment with light tables. Promotes attention, concentration, sensory development, imagination, learning, relaxation, …

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Sensory Skills Activities – 2022 Week 48 y 49

New project «Christmas» We motivate with sensory corners with our own elements for Christmas. The decoration of the classroom doors motivate us for the learning situation we are working on «Christmas» With the Christmas motivations we encourage the little ones to learn, discover, explore, enjoy,…

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Sensory Skills Activities – 2022 Week 44

Learn playing The game is the means for children to understand the world around them: Experiment, communicate, express yourself, create, get excited… Fine motor activities The development of fine motor skills will give children autonomy and security in carrying out activities of all kinds both at home and at school.

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Sensory Skills Activities – Summer 2022

Happy birthday Pau!! We will miss you!! Elaboramos una masa de harina entre todos con la que imitamos la forma de los rosquitos + TET Class: Eggs Imitando la técnica de Jackson Pollock, conocida como dripping, realizamos un mural conjunto salpicando pintura de diferentes colores Talking about the Queen of England ! This is so…

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Sensory Skills Activities – 2022 Week 17

Happy World Book Day!! Welcome Spring! We work on fine motor skills, colors and textures. ¡Sensory Skills se viste de feria! Con motivo de esta festividad nuestros peques han decorado macetas para recrear un patio andaluz. Ha sido muy emocionante ver el resultado del trabajo de todos juntos. How wonderful is our culture!

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Sensory Skills Activities – 2022 Week 15

We are learning different textures, its so funny!! 🔆🔆🔆 ¡La Semana Santa ha llegado a Sensory Skills! Descubrimos la trompeta y su sonido , vimos imágenes representativas de diferentes hermandades y manipulamos los ingredientes básicos de los típicos rosquitos. How interesting is our culture!

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Sensory Skills Activities – 2022 Week 14

We start our Spring mural with the grass !!! OUR ARTIST MADE AN ART GALERY! Finalizamos un trimestre lleno de color y creatividad. Nuestros peques han experimentado con técnicas como la estampación, dripping, collage.. y han creado sus propias obras basadas en diferentes autores (Pollock, Kandinsky, Calder, Miró, Frida…). WE’RE SO OF YOU, MY BABIES

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Sensory Skills Activities – 2022 Week 13

Compartiendo experiencias en el congreso de AMEI-WAECE (Asociacion Mundial de Educadores Infantiles) «Un nuevo currículo para los centros de 0 a 3 años», celebrado los pasados 26 y 27 de Marzo en #madrid Welcome Spring ! we were waiting for you. Usando un estropajo, gomillas y pinturas de colores hemos creado estas preciosas mariposas ¿Has…

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Sensory Skills Activities – 2022 Week 11

Inspired by Kandinsky: We experiment with geometric shapes and sizes !!! Lets talk about food ! ya que en la asamblea estamos viendo diferentes tipos de comida, aprovechamos los momentos de juego para reforzar conceptos. We love discover new information about the food which is in our daily life: colour, shape, flavour, size…

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Sensory Skills Activities – 2022 Week 07

«No hay amor más real y sincero que el de un niño» Thank you for being the reason of our smile. Happy Valentine’s Day!! The Ladies in Waiting by Velázquez (Las Meninas) Basándonos en la figura principal de esta obra, decoramos nuestra propia Menina. Usaremos la técnica del collage, cortamos muchos papelitos de colores que…

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Sensory Skills Activities – 2022 Week 06

Experimentando con cajas en el patio. ¡Qué cosa tan divertida y sencilla! Starry Night by Van Gogh (La Noche Estrellada) Presentamos la obra en la asamblea, preguntamos qué ven y hablamos sobre ella. – «Es de noche.» – «Hay una luna.» – «Tiene casitas.» Vamos concretando ideas y consensuando qué colores usaremos y qué dibujaremos.…

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Sensory Skills Activities – 2021 Week 47

The Autumn is in our playground. We love their sensations! Scribble on the playground! Trasladamos una actividad sencilla, como puede ser el garabato sobre papel, a un lugar inusual, como es el patio. Con ello conseguimos que nuestros peques trabajen la psicomotricidad fina de una manera divertida y creativa, dándoles libertad para elegir el color…

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Sensory Skills Activities – 2021 Week 46

Systematic practice of psychomotricity can improve general development and cognition in infants. Paint! Creamos un rincón para que nuestros peques puedan realizar esta actividad de manera libre. Ponemos pintura, pinceles y lienzos a su altura y dejamos que su creatividad haga el resto.

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Sensory Skills Activities – 2021 Week 45

We started the day with our TET English class. We have learned the prepositions in-on-under with pleasant songs, games and stores. We love our autumn tree🍁🍁🍁🍁 Para poner más vistoso nuestro árbol de otoño hemos hecho hojas con las huellas de nuestras manos. Nos ha quedado muy bonito y colorido.

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Sensory Skills Activities – 2021 Week 44

Blue Class: Let’s enjoy our TET english class! Red Class: Playing with shadows and leaves 🍁🍂 ya que estamos trabajando el otoño en clase, aprovechamos para experimentar con las sombras de las hojas recolectadas durante estos días. Yellow Class: Nuestros peques ya conocen a sus mascotas de clase. We having fan painting our new friends!…

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Información de contacto


672 696 343



Directora del Centro:

Dirección Pedagógica:


Avenida Santa Clara de Cuba
Nº 4-Nave 1, 41007 SEVILLA

Contacta con nosotros


    El centro está abierto desde las 7:30h hasta las 17:00h.
    Horario laboral:
    • Entrada y acogida individual 9:00h - 9:30h
    • Actividades programadas: 9:30- 12:30h.
    • Comida, aseo y descanso: 12:30 a 15h.
    • Actividades programas y juego libre: 15-17h.
    Horario ampliado :
    • Aula matinal 7:30h - 9:00h
    Abrimos en Julio , ya que nos regimos por el calendario laboral, no el escolar.